Wednesday 29 February 2012

"My first and hopefully my last"

I took this photo.

This represents my current boyfriend. He's the first guy i've truly fell for and clearly i'm hoping that we're going to last and that he'll be my last boyfriend. He's a genuine person and so thoughtful and caring. He's got a huge heart and respects everything around him. We love to laugh and we've been dating for over a year and we're still going strong. I don't really like openly talking about my relationship, I find it awkward. But basically he's great and I'm hoping for the best.

Writing Response #1

So far in class we've been doing creative writing assignments such as, listography, doodling, digital footprints and now 6 word memoirs. I'm not a very good drawer, but i enjoy it, so i don't mind these assignments. I had to make a new blog because i forgot my gmail password, so i'll have to upload photos of those assignments. I don't have too much of a digital footprint, so that assignment was a little hard. I really enjoy doing the 6 word memoirs. They're sort of like the Post Secret entries, which i find really interesting, I also enjoy the listography, because it's explaining a large part of your life in a small list. I'm not very educated on how to even create or advertise a blog, or anything really digitally. I'm just sort of going with the flow and hoping I learn quickly.

Tuesday 28 February 2012

Reading Response #1

I have recently started reading an autobiography called "Stolen Innocence" by Elissa Wall. It's about a young girl living with a large family. A very large family. Her family is so large because she belongs to a Polygamous Sect. At the beggining of the novel, the author gives an introduction to what plural marriage is, and what the purpose is. I learned that it began in 1830, and was founded by a man by the name of Joseph Smith. It is believed in the Mormon religion that if you do not belong to this specific religion, that it is impossible to attain the priveledge to the highest level of heaven (there is supposidly 3). So far i have read about the outlook of one of the children belonging to a Polygamous family. Since birth, she has been taught to follow the Mormon ways. If she did not respect this, she would be destroyed with the other "wicked people" when the day of destruction (which included fires and storms) swept over the world. If she followed as she was told, she would be lifted momentarily during this deathly time, and after all the "wicked" have died, the "worthy people" would be placed back on earth, and would build a place called Zion, where sadness or pain did not exist. In the family, so far there are 3 wives, including Mother Sharon, Mother Audrey and Mother Laura. There are dozens of children and they all colaborate in one large home. The main character explains that there are many complications and indifferences that partake in the household due to lack of communication and such a large amount of family members. Girls/wives must keep sweet and obedient, no matter what the circumstances. At the point of the novel i have accomplished reading, Elissa is explaining her baptism, and the reality of entering a world of independance and permenant gestures that come after this action.

So far i've really enjoyed this book, its not like anything i've ever read before. I'll keep you posted!