Wednesday 29 February 2012

Writing Response #1

So far in class we've been doing creative writing assignments such as, listography, doodling, digital footprints and now 6 word memoirs. I'm not a very good drawer, but i enjoy it, so i don't mind these assignments. I had to make a new blog because i forgot my gmail password, so i'll have to upload photos of those assignments. I don't have too much of a digital footprint, so that assignment was a little hard. I really enjoy doing the 6 word memoirs. They're sort of like the Post Secret entries, which i find really interesting, I also enjoy the listography, because it's explaining a large part of your life in a small list. I'm not very educated on how to even create or advertise a blog, or anything really digitally. I'm just sort of going with the flow and hoping I learn quickly.

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