Monday 28 May 2012

Reading Reflection 4

Book : The Help

Okay so I still have to finally get caught up on all these assignments... only like 16 days left of school or something like that. So, not too long ago I started reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett who is so far a great writer in my opinion. I saw the movie "The Help" months ago and loved it! So my mom got me the book for christmas and i finally decided to read it. In the beginning it talks about a black maid (the setting is in the 1960's) by the name of Aibileen who has cleaned, cooked and raised children for a majority of her life. Evidently coloured people didn't have the same rights as Caucasians until the late 1900's. It just makes me mad knowing people were treated according to skin colour. How pathetic. I just hate that history was like that, I mean I guess i'm glad it's changed since then but we still have racism around us. Anyways, Aibileen is the maid for a woman named Elizabeth Leefolt. "Ms. Leefolt" (what Aibileen calls her) is married with one daughter name Mae Mobley. Elizabeth is always trying to be good enough for everyone, especially her best friend, Ms. Hilly Holbrook. Let me tell you already, I hate Hilly. She's a straight up bitch. Hilly is Ms. Perfect and has no hesitation letting people know it either. Ms. Hilly's mother, Ms. Walters is kind of a nut job. Ms. Walter's maid is Minny Jackson, Aibileen's best friend. I love Minny's character, she's opinionated and has an attitude but underneath it all she's got a good heart. Elizabeth's and Hilly's best friend from high school, Ms. Skeeter, is looking to be a writer. She's insulted by the way black people are treated and wants to write a book about it. Only one problem, it's highly illegal. And what maid is gonna risk their lives to help out a selfish little white girl? This book is so great and it's written in a way that the characters voices are imagined. I can't stop reading.

I'll keep you posted!

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