Friday, 15 June 2012

Dunder Mifflin- Personal Post 19

As stated in one of my earlier personal additions, I love the show The Office. My older sister got me watching it and I got hooked. I'm going to tell you my favourite characters in order and why I love them.

#1. Micheal Scott. He is my favourite character of them all. He is so hilarious because he likes to think he's such a giving and thoughtful person but he will do whatever it takes to make himself happy. He is oblivious to other people's sarcasm and pretty much every one of his lines makes me laugh.

#2. Dwight Schrute. Beats. Bears. Battlestar Galactica. Dwight is always so serious and ridiculous and it's impossible to not laugh at his cocky character. He's very independent and very funny.

#3. Andy Bernard. He's one of the newer characters but definitely one of my favourites. He is so silly and dorky, but he is very kind and sweet hearted. I love him!

#4. Kevin Malone. He is completely clueless and says whatever is on his mind. One of the funniest characters.

#5. Kelly Kapoor. She's a superficial East Indian girl who only cares about her own well being. Never a dull moment with Kelly.

#6. Erin Hannon. She's the new receptionist, and she's really quirky but her mood alters quickly, she's sweet and funny.

#7. Pam Halpert. I love Pam, who doesn't? She's got a bit of attitude when necessary but usually she's a really thoughtful person.

#8. Jim Halpert. When Pam and Jim weren't together it killed me. Jim is definitely the most sarcastic in the office and I enjoy his character.

#9. Angela Martin. If youlike posters of babies or cats, you'd probably be on her good side. She's really grumpy all the time but her sassiness makes me laugh.

#10. Phyllis Lapin-Vance. Phyllis like to act like she's coy and sweet but she's got an evil side to her. I love when she acts cocky, so funny.

#11. Stanley Hudson. He's even grumpier than Angela, but he get a funny line in sometimes.

#12. Toby Flenderson. It makes me sad that Micheal's so mean to Toby, and I think it's funny when Toby tries to stand up for himself.

#13. Meredith Palmer. She's an alcoholic, and she is quite promiscuous. She like to revel herself a lot..

#14. Oscar Martinez. He's gay and i'll never forget the scene Micheal kissed him. Oscar's probably one of the most knowledgable and sensible people of the office.

#15. Darryl Philbin. Darryl's character is a little confusing. He's very serious all the time.

#16. Creed Bratton. He's creepy and sketchy and his character is funny but weirds me out a little.

#17. Karen Fillipelli. Hated her ever since she started dating Jim.

#18. Gabe Lewis. His character's a bid annoying, but he does have the occasional funny line.

#19. Ryan Howard. I don't find Ryan very funny at all, which is ironic because he is one of the directors of the show.

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