Friday 15 June 2012

It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day! Personal Post 14

Schoooools out for summer..... schoooools out forever!

Summer is here and i'm free to party, thank god! No more worries about highschool... never thought i'd see the day. But now i get to move on to university stress.. should be interesting. But i'm just looking forward to a fun summer spent with my friends, family and my boyfriend. I'm going to 4 of my friend's cabins tis summer which I am so excited for! I love being at cabins and hanging out on the beach, and going swimming, and boating! I love tubing and this summer I am determined to water ski, i've tried it before but i've always failed at it so hopefully this will be my summer. I'm excited to have lazy days and just be able to sleep forever and have no school. I enjoy my job, so that won't even ruin anything. It's gonna be a great summer, i'm going to make sure of it!

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