Monday 18 June 2012

Final Thoughts on the Course

The school year is wrapping up and it's time to finish up classes. Creative writing class was nothing what I had expected but over all, I enjoyed the class. It was very different from any other class I have taken and I enjoyed the change. I learned A LOT about blogging and how to use the web to create my digital footprint.

My favourite assignment was definitely TBL project, I really enjoyed it because I had the opportunity to be creative and display my bucket list in whatever manner I wanted to. I had a lot of fun doing this assignment. My least favourite assignment was The Newspaper Blackout Poetry assingment because it was much more challenging than expected. I didn't hate it, because it was very different and fun but it was harder than any other assignment. I really enjoyed Friday reading because it was kind of like a break from the week of work. It was nice to just be able to sit there and read because sometimes I feel like I don't have enough time to just read, and I love reading. The Monday Written Reflections were alright, not the most exciting but it was a good way to reflect on what we did in class and what we read. I found the WRN kind of annoying and usually I prefer doing work on paper, but for some reason in this class I enjoyed blogging things better. Blogging was very foreign to me, and I had no idea how to do it or even what to do, but after I got started with my blog I found that I actually liked it. It was an easy was to express myself. Twitter is a fun social network and I enjoyed tweeting because it was simple yet efficiant. Using technology in this course seemed really new to me because I hadn't used computers too often throughout my school years, or as much as I did in this class at least, but it was enjoyable using the web for a majority of my class. I learned that I have been more of an open reader because i'm less judgemental when it comes to choosing a book. I have learned new writing techniques which will definitely help me in my future, and I have opened my mind to new creative ideas. Over all the course was great and The Buried Life aspect of it was definitely the best. It was an educational yet amusing way to keep the class entertained! If I were to eliminate one thing it would probably be the WRN because it wasn't very exciting. I suggest this class to students who are looking to further their digital footprint and looking for something new.

Friday 15 June 2012

Donating towards a good cause? - Personal Post 23

I always want to make a huge donation to multiple organizations and charities, but i'm never sure if the money I am donating is being received at the other end. How do I know that my hard earned money is actually going to needy orphans or the local pet shelter? I feel like that is the reason holding me back. I want to be giving, but not to any potential greedy people waiting for my cheque to arrive. Maybe if I want to give back I can do it more directly. I can help out at a soup kitchen or buy new shows for a homeless person. I guess charity isn't all about money, and I really want to start contributing and doing my part.

Sad at Seventeen - Personal Post 22

It seems like all my friends are 18 or are turning 18 shortly. I'm not 18 until December and I know i'm going to have to be the designated driver until then. I want to be able to go to the bar, rent hotel rooms, gamble and be labeled as an adult. I held on to my childhood for as long as I could but it's no fun when your friends have so many opportunities you don't have yet. When i'm 18 i'll be able to make my own decisions. Who knows, maybe when i'm 18 i'll only be wishing for my childhood back, but until then i'm so anxious until the day comes. Freedom!

T-Swift - Personal Post 21

Taylor Swift is one of my favourite singers. I find all of her songs catchy and relatable and she seems like she is such a good and nice person. Of course I don't know her personally, but the media still hasn't been able to scrape up something scandalous about her. I have bought every album she has released and haven't gotten sick of any of them. I went to her concert a couple years ago and it was really great. Her songs are the kind of songs you listen to in the car with your sunglasses on and your feet on the dashboard. It's not very safe, but anyway. I honestly love all of her songs and the fact that she is a decent person just makes me like her even more. She is absolutely beautiful!

My Grandma - Personal Post 20

If there is one person in my life that I could never be mad at, it would be my grandma Theresa. Honestly, she is the sweetest woman you would ever meet. Unlike a lot of teenagers, I spend a lot of time with her. We watch Dr. Phil together, bake, plays cards and nap. She won't admit it but I know i'm her favourite granddaughter. She's very honest with me when I ask her something and we always have fun together. I spoil her more at christmas and her birthday than my sisters do. How could she not love me the most? I wouldn't be where I am today if it wasn't for her wise words and guidance.

Dunder Mifflin- Personal Post 19

As stated in one of my earlier personal additions, I love the show The Office. My older sister got me watching it and I got hooked. I'm going to tell you my favourite characters in order and why I love them.

#1. Micheal Scott. He is my favourite character of them all. He is so hilarious because he likes to think he's such a giving and thoughtful person but he will do whatever it takes to make himself happy. He is oblivious to other people's sarcasm and pretty much every one of his lines makes me laugh.

#2. Dwight Schrute. Beats. Bears. Battlestar Galactica. Dwight is always so serious and ridiculous and it's impossible to not laugh at his cocky character. He's very independent and very funny.

#3. Andy Bernard. He's one of the newer characters but definitely one of my favourites. He is so silly and dorky, but he is very kind and sweet hearted. I love him!

#4. Kevin Malone. He is completely clueless and says whatever is on his mind. One of the funniest characters.

#5. Kelly Kapoor. She's a superficial East Indian girl who only cares about her own well being. Never a dull moment with Kelly.

#6. Erin Hannon. She's the new receptionist, and she's really quirky but her mood alters quickly, she's sweet and funny.

#7. Pam Halpert. I love Pam, who doesn't? She's got a bit of attitude when necessary but usually she's a really thoughtful person.

#8. Jim Halpert. When Pam and Jim weren't together it killed me. Jim is definitely the most sarcastic in the office and I enjoy his character.

#9. Angela Martin. If youlike posters of babies or cats, you'd probably be on her good side. She's really grumpy all the time but her sassiness makes me laugh.

#10. Phyllis Lapin-Vance. Phyllis like to act like she's coy and sweet but she's got an evil side to her. I love when she acts cocky, so funny.

#11. Stanley Hudson. He's even grumpier than Angela, but he get a funny line in sometimes.

#12. Toby Flenderson. It makes me sad that Micheal's so mean to Toby, and I think it's funny when Toby tries to stand up for himself.

#13. Meredith Palmer. She's an alcoholic, and she is quite promiscuous. She like to revel herself a lot..

#14. Oscar Martinez. He's gay and i'll never forget the scene Micheal kissed him. Oscar's probably one of the most knowledgable and sensible people of the office.

#15. Darryl Philbin. Darryl's character is a little confusing. He's very serious all the time.

#16. Creed Bratton. He's creepy and sketchy and his character is funny but weirds me out a little.

#17. Karen Fillipelli. Hated her ever since she started dating Jim.

#18. Gabe Lewis. His character's a bid annoying, but he does have the occasional funny line.

#19. Ryan Howard. I don't find Ryan very funny at all, which is ironic because he is one of the directors of the show.

Favourite Movies - Personal Post 18

On a rainy day, or even when I just need to get my mind off things, I find that watching a movie always   clears my mind. There's certain movies that I could re-watch a million times, and here are a few of them.

-Titanic. Classic.
- Matilda. Favourite childhood movie!
- Mean Girls. And none for Gretchen Wieners.
- Valentine's Day. Fell in love with it!
- Dumb and Dumber. Classic comedy.
- The Notebook.
- 13 going on 30.
- The Help.
- The Wedding Singer.
- Bruce Almighty.
- The Strangers. My favourite scary movie!
- The Paranormal Activity trilogy. Never fails to make me jump.
- The Vow. Rachel McAdams is my favourite.
- 50 First Dates. Drew Barrymore is also my favourite.

These are all movies you could catch me watching again and again, there are many more but these are the top ones.

Favourite Foods - Personal Post 17

One of my favourite hobbies is eating, I have a fairly high metabolism right now, but when I get older it will be a lot harder to maintain a healthy life style, but for now i'm taking advantage of what I can. These are some of my all-time favourite foods!

- Caesar salad. Probably my favourite food, it's always at the top of my list.
- Chicken. Weather it's grilled, fried, baked, you can never go wrong with chicken.
- Fettuccine Alfredo. I love pasta, but this one is my favourite.
- Pickles.
- Cheese.
- Ritz cheese sandwiches.
- Reeses Pieces.
- Ham sub from Subway.
- Cactus Cuts from BP. I'm always craving them.
- Pizza. Who doesn't love pizza.
- Carrots.
- Croissants.
- Curly fries.
- Mashed potatoes.
- Baked potatoes.
- Scallop Potatoes. I really like potatoes.
- Lasagna.
- Banana Bread.

And so many more, but these are at the top of my list!

My Wife and Kids- Personal Post 16

Me and my boyfriend have recently started watching a show I use to watch like... 5 years ago. It's called My Wife and Kids, and one of the main characters is Damon Wayans. His character is probably my favourite, but all the characters are so good, including his wife Jay, his oldest child, and only male child, Junior, and his two daughters, Claire and Katie. Junior's character is really funny because he's just a complete idiot in the show and is oblivious to everything. Jay is really sassy and sarcastic and has a hard attitude which always makes me laugh. Claire is the typical girly girl cheerleader, and Katie is just really cute. I haven't seen an episode that I haven't laughed at yet, and i'm starting to get addicted again, like I was before.

Farewell Class of 2012- Personal Post 15

For the past four years I have gone through good and bad memories with a lot of my classmates. Mostly good though! I have grown as a person and have learned from my mistakes. I am much less judgemental and much more understanding coming out of high school than I was going in. I have made  so many great friends, and gotten closer to many of my previous classmates. High school has changed me, as it has done to a majority of people that have completed it. In high school I have learned to develop thick skin and to not take what people say as personally. I have learned that things happen for a reason and that for the most part you should just let things fall into place. I will miss so many people and plan on staying in touch with as many as I can, and I wish everyone a successful future.

As my grad quote says..

Live it up, and drink it down,
Cheers to our high school years!

It's gonna be a bright, bright sunshiny day! Personal Post 14

Schoooools out for summer..... schoooools out forever!

Summer is here and i'm free to party, thank god! No more worries about highschool... never thought i'd see the day. But now i get to move on to university stress.. should be interesting. But i'm just looking forward to a fun summer spent with my friends, family and my boyfriend. I'm going to 4 of my friend's cabins tis summer which I am so excited for! I love being at cabins and hanging out on the beach, and going swimming, and boating! I love tubing and this summer I am determined to water ski, i've tried it before but i've always failed at it so hopefully this will be my summer. I'm excited to have lazy days and just be able to sleep forever and have no school. I enjoy my job, so that won't even ruin anything. It's gonna be a great summer, i'm going to make sure of it!

Jersey Shore - Personal Post 13

As much as I agree with my parents when they say the whole cast of Jersey Shore are just attention, drama seeking individuals, those individuals sure know how to entertain a crowd. The MTV series has got to be one of the most popular they've got. Scripted or not, the cast Jersey Shore has kept me watching. With the girls, Snooki, Jenni (J-Woww), Deena, and Angelina, and the guys, Vinny, Pauly (DJ Pauly D), Mike (The Situation) and Ronnie, the cast hasn't gone through a day without drama. Snooki is my favourite. She's funny and vain, which usually is a very unattractive quality but it works for her. Her and Deena are like, 4'11, so they call themselves The Meatballs. Angelina was hated by everyone because of her dramatic, back-stabbing attitude, (aren't they all like that?). So she didn't make it past season 2. Some people hate the show, some people love it, and some people pretend to hate it but actually love it. It's my mom's guilty pleasure. She always says she hates it but I caught her watching it once. Ha!

Shopaholic - Personal Post 12

I have come to the conclusion that I use shopping as a therapy. It sometimes makes me feel guilty, but it makes me feel happy at the same time. If I see something i want  - I buy it, if I see something I kind of want - I buy it, if I see something I don't really want - I'll find a reason to buy it if I don't just let it be. I'm a crazy money saver, but when I splurge, I really splurge. On a typical day at the mall I'd buy...

- 3-4 shirts
- A pair of shorts or jeans (depending on the season)
- Some form of jewelry
- New sunglasses
- Usually a new purse
- Usually a new pair of shoes
- Lotion, candles or something from Bath & Body Works.
- Numerous articles of clothing from La Senza
- Whatever else catches my eye.

I think I have a spending problem, but I always donate my clothe so it goes to a good cause at least?

Teen Moms - Personal Post 11

Lately it seems like so many young girls everywhere are getting pregnant. Some of them are no older than 14 or 15 years old. It's like kids are taking care of kids. I believe that every child is a gift, and there is one teen mom in particular that I know is a great mother to her child, but so many of these moms need to rely on their friends and family to help support the child. People aren't thinking straight, and a majority of the kids having children, accidental or not, can not support a baby on their own. A baby need more than just love to get by. It needs stability, food, clothes and so much more. It makes the mother and the child's life harder in the future because they are so young. Personally I just wish kids my age would make responsible decisions, and do the best they can to prevent pregnancy at their age.

Graduation! Personal Post 10

The time is almost here, it is so close to being here, so it is time for us to cheer, for our graduating year!

...That was the little poem me and my friends threw together for our Graduation video.. a little dorky maybe, but very true at the same time! The thought of graduation makes me, and everyone else, sad, excited, anxious and over whelmed. It's a mile stone in all of our lives and we are splashed in the face with reality. Some of us are planning university or college next year, others travelling, and some just need time to take it easy. Personally, I just recently applied to University, which is much bigger than high school. I kind of have the same feeling I had going from middle school to high school and it's a little scary. Who knows where life will bring me now, but I guess it's about time to grow a little more independent.

Personal Post 9 Senior Skip Day - Success!

So, this high school ritual that I have just recently took part of was so much fun! Senior skip day is pretty sell-explanitory... it's a day when all the seniors of one high school skip a day of school and go out and partyyyyy. Other school in the area had their skip days before we did, and some of them succeeded and some of them did not. But my school's was great. Despite the fact that some people weren't feeling adventurous enough to actually skip class, go to a random beach to party or go be outside, (because the day chosen had terrible weather conditions) I still had a great time. It was raining and chilly but we overcame both problems. One of our seniors came prepared! Him and several of his friends put up a huge tarp, to protect us from the rain (or those who wanted to be protected) and they built a huge fire which people stood by to warm up. We had music and food and lots to drink, along with our best friends which made for a perfect day.

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Reading Reflection 7

Book : The Help

Last post I had started talking about Ms. Foote and how non-threatning she was. Her character is so quirky and bubbly... and a little slow. But either way so far I rather enjoy Celia Foote's character. After touring Minny around the house and some brief chit-chat, Minny figured Celia was not prepared to hire her. About to pack up her things and go, Ms. Celia asked timidly if she actually wanted to work for her. Minny was suprised, and of course being Minny she laid down some ground rules. Ms. Celia obeyed Minny's commands... but there was only one catch. Ms. Celia didn't want to tell her husband Johnny about her hired help! I'm assuming back in those days if a white man came home to an unexpected black woman cooking and cleaning, it would result in numerous issues. Uh oh. Miny did not like the sounds of that! But Minny really needed the job, so she told Ms. Foote she had until Christmas to tell Mr. Johnny. Minny has finally agreed to help Ms. Skeeter about her days as a nanny and a maid, but she's bitter while doing so. She figures Ms. Skeeter just another selfish little white girl. And I can imagine her anger towards her. Not many people (white people, that is) showed respect to people that were labeled a lower class, so I can understand her frustration, but I can also see that Ms Skeeter is a genuinely kind hearted person, so I hope Minny lightens up a bit.

Reading Reflection 6

Book : The Help

Okay so I last left off with how Ms. Skeeter was just about to start getting some stories down for the book she was writing, in hopes of it being published, but Aibileen was too scared. Well after Miss Hilly belittled Aibileen one too many times, Aibileen changed her mind in a heart beat and gave Ms. Skeeter a call. Yes! I was so happy that Aibileen wanted to speak up. Ms. Skeeter needed more maids to tell their stories, so Aibileen tried to ask Minny. Minny stopped working for Ms. Walters, Hilly's mama and since Minny had a reputation of being so sassy she had difficulties finding another job. There was only one woman in the the entire town who was outta the loop. It was Ms. Celia Foote, Ms. Hilly's ex-boyfriend's new wife. Ms. Foote called Elizabeth to find out information on the charity but  Aibileen answered, and asked if she needed a maid, and got an interview with Minny. I was a little anxious to find out what would happen at the interview, and I hoped despite Minny's no-nonsense attitude, I really hoped she would get the job. Celia Foote and her husband live in a huge house on the outskirts of town. I could easily sense Minny's indimitation walking up to the front door, but when Ms. Foote opened the door, she was the farthest thing from a threat.

This is deffinitely one of the best books I have ever read and it never fails to keep me entertained.

Author's Note

Author’s Note

So much to do, so little time.

Life is simply all about living it to it’s full potential. How many days would you say you have wasted? I want an experience. But not just any experience, the experience of a fulfilled life. There are so many things I want to do before it’s all over, before I don’t have the chance to do it anymore. I want to live with no regrets and live for each day, not for the next day or the previous one. Accomplishment is one of the greatest feelings in the world, and I plan on accomplishing the goals I have set out for myself during this journey we call life. Now of course there are always complications and obstacles set on our path, but where there’s a will, there’s a way, right? I’m not exactly one to follow inspiring and motivational quotes found everywhere you look, but sometimes that cheesy magnet you see on grandma’s fridge can really change your perspective. Do what makes you happy, and realize that it’s more than okay to step out of your comfort zone sometimes. Make it worthwhile, because the destination means nothing without the journey. Good memories, bad memories, failed attempts, accomplishments, smiles and frowns, take chances and do whatever it takes to make you smile, because after all, life is too short to be anything but happy.

Sunday 3 June 2012

Bucket List


     1.     Become a mother
2.     Swim with the sharks
3.     Run a marathon
4.     Adopt a dog
5.     Be on a daytime T.V. talk show
6.     Meet Ellen DeGeneres
7.     Spend a week technology-free
8.     Try every flavour in an ice cream shop
9.     Make a risky decision
10. Do an actual handstand
11. Go swimming in the Pacific
12. Travel in the cockpit of an airplane
13. Become a teacher
14. Skydive
15. Bungee jump
16.   Tell Steve Carell a joke
17. Meet the cast of The Office
18. Become a wife
19.Go on an extravagant vacation
20.Learn sign language
21. Attend the Jerry Springer show
22.  Perform in front of a huge audience
23. Learn to play the piano
24. Ride in a hot air balloon
25.Fire a pistol

26. Go scuba-diving
                                                                27. Be in the Guinness Book of World Records
28. Visit Brazil
29. Attend an NHL game
30. Live in Japan
31. Own a beach house
32. Visit the Grand Canyon
33. Take a pottery class
34. Have a conversation with Will Ferrell
35. Gamble in Vegas
36. Solve the Rubik’s Cube
37. Build a bird house
38. Have a small part in a movie
39. Make a stained glass movie
40. Live in the country
41. Sell a painting
42. Shake hands with Obama
43. Volunteer at a soup kitchen
44. Go whale watching
45. See Le Cirque du Soleil
46. Milk a cow
47. Have an indoor pool
48. Plant a garden
49. Take up Yoga
50. Visit Africa

Monday 28 May 2012

Adele for life!! Personal Post 8

I heard that you're settled down
That you found a girl and you're married now.
I heard that your dreams came true.
Guess she gave you things I didn't give to you.

Old friend, why are you so shy?
Ain't like you to hold back or hide from the light.

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I had hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead, "

You know how the time flies
Only yesterday was the time of our lives
We were born and raised
In a summer haze
Bound by the surprise of our glory days

I hate to turn up out of the blue uninvited
But I couldn't stay away, I couldn't fight it.
I'd hoped you'd see my face and that you'd be reminded
That for me it isn't over.

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Nothing compares
No worries or cares
Regrets and mistakes
They are memories made.
Who would have known how bittersweet this would taste?

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

Never mind, I'll find someone like you
I wish nothing but the best for you too
Don't forget me, I beg
I remember you said,
"Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead,
Sometimes it lasts in love but sometimes it hurts instead."

This is one of my all time favourite songs. Adele is amazing, she's definitely got talent. This song really speaks to me, it's just so relatable, because in reality sometimes it last in love but sometimes it hurts instead! I'm trying to be more optimistic with situations because happiness is really the most important thing in life. If you can't enjoy life, what's even the point? I mean, of course every day can't be full of smiles but why not try to get as close to that as possible. I'm the kind of person that takes things way too personally. Everything hurts my feelings, it's time to toughen up a bit for sure, especially now that i'm going in the real world. Life's all about taking paths with an unknown destination. Even if the outcome isn't necessarily positive, you'll get stronger. When one door closes, another one opens. Soooo true! You can't dwell on the hurt in the past, you've got to move on in order to find happiness. Sometimes you just need a day or so to just feel bad for yourself, but when it becomes a life style it will get harder to enjoy yourself. Live for today, not for yesterday.

Stressed. Personal Post 7

My head's about to explode any second. I need a break from reality ASAP. I feel so overwhelmed with life and I feel like i just can't catch a break. With school, relationships, family, emotions etc. life is just getting me down lately. Exams are freaking me out like they always do and of course there's a huge year end project for every class which isn't helping anything either. I just want to curl up in a ball and hibernate  until everything's good again. There's just too much on my mind that I can't even deal with it anymore. That procrastination is really creeping up on me! When things just keep building up and building up it just gets to the point where you feel unable to do anything about it. Ughhhhhh I just want this year to be over!

Reading Reflection 5

Book : The Help

This book continues to get better as I keep going! So far i've read about all the characters but now i'm getting in to the part where Ms. Hilly is trying to get Ms. Skeeter to post an article about a sanitation system  (i.e - Get "the help"their proper bathrooms) for "safety purposes. According to Hilly, black people carry diseases is their urine that white people don't have the immune systems to battle. Ugh! I felt mad when I read that. I know it's just a book but I know stupid things like that were presented when the world was full of racism. I just hate Ms. Hilly. Anyways, Skeeter got a job to work for the local paper on giving advice for  a housekeeping column.  She took this job because in order to get anywhere a publisher from New York, Elaine Stein, told Skeeter she had to have experience. Well, Ms. Skeeter doesn't know a whole lot about cleaning and cooking! So she asked Elizabeth if she could go to Aibileen for help. Elizabeth wasn't exactly keen on this but let her anyways. Ms. Skeeter's personality is so kind and different. It makes me glad that back in the day there were some white people who realized skin colour means nothing. I'm grateful that Ms. Skeeter isn't afraid of Ms. Hilly too. Skeeter's interested in writing a book about the perspective from the help. She wants the world to see what it's like to be them. She's trying to get an interview with Aibileen, but Aibileen is hesitant. I don't feel like if I lived in those days that I would be racist, but I guess I couldn't say that, seeing as kids grew up doing what they were told. Which was that white people were smarter, cleaner, healthier and just better than black people. I don't even comprehend this. If you encounter a homeless black person what's the difference than encountering a homeless white person? There is none! And for Ms. Hilly to say black people carry diseases that white people can't fight? No... that's not how it works. This book really gets me thinking about how it would have been growing up in a society full of discrimination.

Reading Reflection 4

Book : The Help

Okay so I still have to finally get caught up on all these assignments... only like 16 days left of school or something like that. So, not too long ago I started reading The Help by Kathryn Stockett who is so far a great writer in my opinion. I saw the movie "The Help" months ago and loved it! So my mom got me the book for christmas and i finally decided to read it. In the beginning it talks about a black maid (the setting is in the 1960's) by the name of Aibileen who has cleaned, cooked and raised children for a majority of her life. Evidently coloured people didn't have the same rights as Caucasians until the late 1900's. It just makes me mad knowing people were treated according to skin colour. How pathetic. I just hate that history was like that, I mean I guess i'm glad it's changed since then but we still have racism around us. Anyways, Aibileen is the maid for a woman named Elizabeth Leefolt. "Ms. Leefolt" (what Aibileen calls her) is married with one daughter name Mae Mobley. Elizabeth is always trying to be good enough for everyone, especially her best friend, Ms. Hilly Holbrook. Let me tell you already, I hate Hilly. She's a straight up bitch. Hilly is Ms. Perfect and has no hesitation letting people know it either. Ms. Hilly's mother, Ms. Walters is kind of a nut job. Ms. Walter's maid is Minny Jackson, Aibileen's best friend. I love Minny's character, she's opinionated and has an attitude but underneath it all she's got a good heart. Elizabeth's and Hilly's best friend from high school, Ms. Skeeter, is looking to be a writer. She's insulted by the way black people are treated and wants to write a book about it. Only one problem, it's highly illegal. And what maid is gonna risk their lives to help out a selfish little white girl? This book is so great and it's written in a way that the characters voices are imagined. I can't stop reading.

I'll keep you posted!

Wednesday 9 May 2012

Writing Reflection 6

Writing Reflection 5

After we had completed writing about our moment, we were taught how to colour code it. I though this assignment was handy and useful because it showed me how detailed my story really was. We had to coulor code for every different kind of sense, ie, taste, touch, smell, see and hear. Colour coding made me recognize that I was lacking in several areas, and I should add some more detail in different categories in order to make my moment more interesting.

Writing Reflection 4

It's definitely time to catch up on these... so here we go. A couple weeks ago we had to write about a significant moment in our life. I chose to write about when I was first diagnosed with type 1 diabetes, which was when I was 11. Writing about the moment brought back the memory of being diagnosed and all the little details about it. It reminded me of how scared I felt when the doctor told me I was going to have to deal with a non-functioning pancreas. Wait what?! What was he talking about? One of my organs that i wasn't specifically educated about, was no longer in service? No, no. I don't think so. I denied it for about 25 minutes, until I reached the Children's Hospital and the nurse on duty had no hesitation shoving a syringe into my body. Ouch, that was unexpected. It was hard coping with the shock, but I didn't mind being 100% catered to while laying in a hospital bed for four days. I enjoyed this assignment because it brought to my attention one of the largest struggles in my life that I was able to overcome. This assignment made me remember the details vividly.

Monday 7 May 2012

MOTHERS DAY! Personal Post 6

I love my mom, and on May 13th I can let her know without the usual awkwardness. Me and my mom are a lot alike. Except i'm normal. I'm just kidding! But she can be a handfull. She's alot more opinionated than myself, which sometimes leads to confrontation, but oh well I love her for who she is. We both go through phases of being dramatic to being completely mellow. Maybe we're so much a like because i've inherited a personality disorder? I hope not. I was looking for a Coach bag to get my mom at the mall for her mother's day gift, but they were on average about 500-600$. Whoever's idea it was to open a Coach store at Polo Park clearly thought Winnipeg only consisted of brain surgeons and Paris Hilton. So I settled for a Guess purse, and she better like it!

Friday 4 May 2012

10 ways to deal with stress Personal Post 5


Unless you're one of the few people able to go with the flow and always have an optemistic attitude towards all scenarios, it's likely you've encountered dealing with stress before. I'm a major procrastinator which always results with me being stressed so i'm going to share some of the ways I calm myself down when I feel like ripping my hair out.

1) Sleep! Obviously. Sleeping allows you to go to a place where you can put your problems on the back burner. No, I'm not a procrastonator.. I'm not..

2) Have a bubble bath. You can not go wrong with laying in a hot, bubbly tub, or jacuzzi preferably, and letting all the negative energy in your mind melt away.

3) Make a list. Okay, after you've figured out that the stress relief of the first two tips is only temporary due to the procrastination, a good idea is to write out what you're stressed about whether it's school, financial issues, they're out of cheese croissants at Tim Horton's, etc., and decide how you're going to solve the problem. Once it's been dealt with, cross it off.

4) Hang out with your family. Sometimes we get too caught up in our personal lives that we make no time for family. That shouldn't be the case! Your family are the only people that have no choice but to love you for the rest of your life. Appreciate them! They'll enjoy your company and you'll forget about the obstacles you'll at some point have to face.

5) Have a glass of wine, or two. Or three. Depending on the situation. If wine's not your thing feel free to substitute it for beer. Or rum and Coke. Or just rum.

6) Watch Ellen. When your brain is throbbing what's better than a few easy laughs? And who better to give you those laughs than Ellen Degeneres.

7) Talk about it. Get it out of your system! Just vent to the first person that will listen. It's okay if you start to stress out the other person, as long as you feel better.